Sunday, January 10, 2010

january 11

i was not here yesterday was at parent and samson had great time with them. went to disability food bank some fruit , a little vegetable, breads. went food shopping with my parent and got lots of food . thought it was going to be 200.00 dollars because i had 12 bag of food was only 100.00 so i was happy. lot of stuff going to make some turkey burger and got some potato . good deals.


  1. the date is january 10 got date wrong.

  2. Sorry I didn't respond to your question earlier about the fresh veggies! Well, actually it depends... sometimes I buy fresh and sometimes I buy canned or frozen. It really depends on what is on sale or when I'm going to prepare it. For example, if I'm in the mood for broccoli or cauliflower the day that I'm in the supermarket, then I'll buy it and prepare it that night or within a few days. It also depends on the what you prefer, especially when it comes to texture (canned and frozen vegetables are sometimes softer or mushier!) And like I mentioned before, what's on sale can also make a big difference!

  3. Also, forgot to mention, that making a soup is a great way to get your vegetable servings!
