Friday, January 1, 2010


hi my name is carol im massachusett. i live in disability housing due to head injury 18 years ago on april6,1991. i also suffer from depression, add and that is my life. I work on alot of stuff and due to future i like to save money so i am financial secure . my parents are love of life there 90 and 82 so there happy i live in my own apartment so that another way i want to say money for future . i also have dog who live with parent due to fact he be home alone for 11 hours well im work thank god i can work even though sometime ithard with condition . i also have lot of medical bill and thank god for health insurance but most flexible spending account and they take that out of check ... i take 5000 for medical expense . thank god for that . anyway i like to spend money but realize i cant live like that as i have to think of future so here journey begin. i thank god for life i live and the stuff that i have to deal with i can accept it . so i hope when i look next year i will have accommend my goals. this will keep me accountable.
1. bring coffee to work 2.00 a cup time 520.00 a year wow will be put 2.00 in jar each day i do that
2. bring lunch to work 5.00 a day i figure i was spending. 100.00 a month
3. groceries shopping 200.00 a month i am going t o do that even with bring lunch to work . 2400 a year
4. i like to see a year it woke me up.
5. spend 50.00 a month for book would like to cut in half i belong to and will use that for postage 300.00 a year instead of 600.00
6. read more books that i have right now 204
7. pay rent cant change that but it include all ulities
8. eventually but for now i am paying for cable , interent and phone . 1200 year but it my favorite entertainment so for now im keeping that
9. give myself 20.00 a week for fun thing.
10 . just living simple i go to parent for weekend so take walk with samson and reading . a cup of tea , start going to library im in process of declutter apartment and it feel good . i want to just have miminual to live and it help me feel less overwhelm.
happy 2010... everyone . hugs.